Midwest SOARRING Foundation (MSF) Logo

August 12, 2019

SOARRING Summer 2019 News

The spring has been a flurry of activity as Midwest SOARRING Foundation prepares for it’s 25th Annual Harvest Pow Wow, September 21 & 22nd, 2019 at the Naper Settlement in Naperville, IL.  Early May ushered in the annual Comcast Cares Volunteer Work Day in which Comcast employees worked alongside SOARRING members to clean up and beautify the Heritage Village, Historic Lockport Train Station (where the Midwest SOARRING Cultural Center is housed), and a section of the I & M Canal.  As always it was a positive and community building event.

Other SOARRING activities included a Spring Equinox and Summer Soltice celebration, and a pipe ceremony for the well-being of our members and the general public. Plans for a monarch butterfly garden next to the Midwest SOARRING Cultural Center are planned for the fall.

25th Annual Harvest Pow Wow – September 21 & 22, 2019

In late September the 25th anniversary of the Midwest SOARRING Foundation Harvest Pow Wow will be celebrated. All our welcome at our popular, family friendly event to experience a weekend of Native American culture, complete with dancing and drumming. This year is particularly special to us. We invite everyone to help Midwest SOARRING Foundation celebrate 25 years of achievement sharing Native American environmental and cultural concerns. During these 25 years we have hosted over fifty pow wows which educate everyone about our rich Native heritage, many who may not have known about America’s First People any other way.

Through our annual Harvest Pow Wow, which has become one of the largest in Illinois, we have united many different communities and tribes over common issues. All Native Americans have been taught how to protect and conserve Mother Earth, and to have respect and reverence for all life. Our pow wows have provided an opportunity for new artists and their work, and a platform for environmental and cultural issues. During this quarter of a century, Midwest SOARRING Foundation has saved over 2,000 acres of Illinois sacred sites. We have become a beacon for what can be achieved with good hearts and spirits.

The Harvest Pow Wow includes Native American dancing and drumming, arts and crafts and food vendors along with children’s activities, and much more. Download the flyer and schedule.

In honor of our 25th anniversary we have invited Grizzlypaws from British Columbia to perform the sacred Bear Dance. Grizzlypaws is the only female Grizzlybear dancer in North America and is breathtaking to watch.  Our other special guests include Jaime Black with The Red Dress Project, and Art Schegonnee with Opening Prayers.  We encourage everyone to bring your friends, neighbors and family. Feel free to bring lawn chairs.

Learn more about the Harvest Pow Wow at www.harvestpowwow.com

Purchase discounted tickets online until September 15, 2019.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

December 9, 2018

Midwest SOARRING Foundation 2018 News

It was a busy and productive year for Midwest SOARRING Foundation. Many events were held throughout the year for Lockport, IL.,  area youth including a summer camp with the Lockport Park District, and several educational events for area seniors, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts. Since the Midwest SOARRING Native American Cultural Center is open twice a week during the year (as well as by appointment, some Saturdays, and for special events),  stimulating educational public tours are available. Visitors can peruse several cultural and historic exhibits, and have the opportunity to shop our unique gift shop. Custom tours for your group can always be arranged by calling 708.257.4300.

MSF Native American Cultural Center, Lockport, IL.

SOARRING Talking Circles

In 2018 SOARRING rekindled a long standing tradition by offering several monthly talking circles. These are always well attended. Talking circles provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with our community over many issues of daily life as well share their spiritual concerns. For those who have not participated in a talking circle we encourage you to get involved.  No politics are discussed. Everyone has an opportunity to talk and be heard.

Following each circle there is ample opportunity for fellowship, as we enjoy a feast.  We have a tradition of each member bringing a dish to share with others.  While we do not have an oven, crock pots, casseroles, salads, and desserts are welcome.  Please bring enough to share with others. This is also a time to share each other’s favorite recipes.  Check our calendar for upcoming monthly talking circles.

Comcast Cares Volunteer Work Day– April 21, 2018

For the sixth year in a row, Comcast employees generously donated their time and energy to work along side Midwest SOARRING members and volunteers in the Heritage Village, IM Waterway Canal, and the Lockport Historic Train Station where the Midwest SOARRING Cultural Center is located.  Attendance at the event included over fifty volunteers,  which was a record for SOARRING.

Comcast Cares Employee and Joseph Standing Bear

Some worked to clean the IM Waterway Canal picking up trash. Others spruced up the building interiors and cleared invasive weeds in the Heritage Pioneer Village. Another crew planted and mulched the SOARRING medicine garden.  Many Comcast employees and SOARRING members weeded and mulched the entire historic Lockport train station area and planted additional flowers where the Midwest SOARRING Cultural Center is located.  The City of Lockport received a $60,000 grant to beautify the historic Lockport station, which included plantings of a variety of perennial flowers and placement of limestone boulders adjacent to the station.  The results were impressive.

Midwest SOARRING Foundation 24th Annual Harvest Pow Wow

The 24th Annual Harvest Pow Wow held at the Naper Settlement in downtown Naperville,  on September 22 and 23rd. It was SOARRING’s  largest pow wow which offered  the most varied experiences to date of Native Culture.  Activities and offerings encompassed supervised archery with target for everyone, our most popular children’s corner, a special canoe exhibit with authentic scaled down birch bark canoe models, a live horse and birds of prey exhibit that included the Deska, The American Bald Eagle, hawks and owls.  The event hosted over 40 vendors with the largest assortment of food vendors;  the most SOARRING has hosted at our pow wows.  Award winning Al Jewer played native flute while Mark Cleveland performed and sang with his guitar.  The Aztec dancers, Ocelotll-Cihuacoatl initiated a sacred ceremony with dance and drum. In the evening, acclaimed guest musicians, Hugo Gutierrez and Wayco entertained the audience with riveting music from the Andes, complete with guitar, charango, percussion, wind instruments and vocals. At each the Grand Opening, Midwest SOARRING honored many veterans with valor medals for their service to our country.  The 2018 Janet Sevilla Scholarship was awarded to a young nursing student from the White Earth Reservation in MN. And, Midwest SOARRING unveiled its colorful new tipi. It was a popular location for everyone to take selfies and photos.

We were blessed with exceptional weather the entire weekend. Everyone that attended was smiling and enjoying every aspect the Harvest Pow Wow had to offer.  An annual crowd favorite is the colorful dancing and drumming in the arena.  Our announcer educated the public about Native American concerns regarding water, and spoke about the value of horses to Indigenous culture.

Our entire organization is deeply indebted to Janet Sevilla, Vice President of Midwest SOARRING, who through her dedication and devotion to SOARRING made this 24th Harvest Pow Wow , along with the help of many volunteers, our most successful to date.

Ron Kanutski Social Drum Circle & Traditional Teachings

In late October, cultural educator Ron Kanuski, tribal member of the Lake Helen Reserve/Red Rock Band (Obijiwanong), traveled to Chicago area from Canada to sing, drum and share traditional teachings from the Ashinabe Native culture.   He spoke and sang from his heart. Everyone enjoyed hearing his life experiences. Ron brought with him a knowledgeable guest from Thunder Bay. Over the two days attendees had an opportunity to ask questions and relate informally to Ron and his guest.

SOARRING Holiday Markets

On two Saturdays in December, Dec. 1st and Dec. 15th, two holiday markets were hosted at the SOARRING Cultural Center in Lockport, Il. These holiday markets feature Native themed vendors who give shoppers an opportunity to purchase unique Christmas presents for loved ones. It is also an informal time to visit the center and share a cup of hot chocolate with SOARRING members.

Ojibwey Birchbark Baskets

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Annual Holiday Party and Members Meeting

Saturday, December 8th, 2018,  Joseph Standing Bear Schrantz welcomed everyone to the holiday celebration and annual members meeting. He summarized the 2018 SOARRING events and the exciting plans for 2019. The festivities began with our customary candlelit spirit walk in the woods followed by a delicious feast. Traditionally members bring homemade side dishes to share. It has also been a long standing tradition for each member to craft an ornament to place on our Christmas tree while telling a story of what ornament means in their life. This sharing includes a wide range of emotions—from sadness to happiness. This tree stays decorated until the end of the season as a visual and cultural gift to the Pilcher Nature Center in Joliet, IL. Holiday gifts were also brought to share with those in need.  Our raffle winner spontaneously donated their prize money back to Midwest SOARRING Foundation.

Call for Talented Volunteers for 2019

If you have special gifts or abilities and would like to volunteer your energy and time, please call our director Joseph Standing Bear Schrantz at 708. 257.4300.

December 21, 2017

Midwest SOARRING Fall 2017 News

Annual Harvest Pow Wow –September 24 and 25, 2017

The 23rd Annual Harvest Pow Wow thrived amid the exceptionally hot September weekend temperature which soared to the high 90’s.  Many agreed it was the best Harvest Pow Wow sponsored by Midwest SOARRING Foundation in recent years held at the Naper Settlement.  Both Saturday and Sunday’s schedule included a large array of Native American dancers dressed in full regalia and dancing to the drum beat of Milwaukee Bucks, Little Thunder with the Medicine Bear Singers, and Red Line.

Grand Entry

The audience filled the arena seating three times over the course of the weekend to watch the dramatic Grand Entry led by Veterans carrying the flags, followed by long line of colorful dancers. City of Naperville, Mayor Chirico greeted the audience and helped hand out medals to Veterans.

Throughout the weekend event, both the MC and dancers encouraged onlookers to join in the arena dancing. A crowd pleaser for all was the potato dance where participants balance a potato between their foreheads and step in rhythm with the music. The last couple to keep the potato balanced between their foreheads, without using their hands wins.  Later Polynesian dancing and Aztec drumming and dance performances honored Mother Earth.  A children’s dance featured a quick scramble for candy in the arena circle. Interspersed throughout the day was colorful exhibition dancing  that included the the group Snake Dance, Jingle Dress, Fancy War , Grass Dancing, Fancy Shawl, Traditional Dancing, and other specialty dances.

Jingle Dancers

A new and popular attraction this year was a supervised archery range for children, busy with eager participants both Saturday and Sunday. Exclusive to the Harvest Pow Wow was Apache the Mustang, who was present for families to pet and observe. Flintknapping (making an arrowhead) and Native themed arts and crafts activities as annual activities were family favorites. Imaginations were kindled with visits to the large red Tipi complete with authentic Native American implements and designs. Finally, S.O.A.R., (Save Our American Raptors and Deshka the American Bald Eagle) entertained families with close encounters with Raptor birds.

Special guest and Native American actor William Strongheart represented the non-profit organization CANA at the Harvest Pow Wow. CANA rescues wild horse family groups and places them on Native American tribal lands. Strongheart mingled with pow wow attendees, spoke about his work with CANA, and signed the drum which was auctioned off. Other non profit organizations in attendance included the Nature Conservancy and the Utah Wilderness Alliance.  The Nature Conservancy provided educational information regarding their conservation effort in the Midwest, which encompasses their own Bison herd as well as maps and directions to visit other bison herds in Illinois. The Utah Wilderness Alliance seeks to educate the public about the importance of protecting two wild Utah wilderness areas that include Bear Ears and Escalante Staircase National Monuments. Bear Ears encompasses over 10,000 ancient Native American sites and Escalante Staircase contains historic dinosaur bones important for archaeological study.

Polynesian Dancer swallowing fire

Every year a unique shopping opportunity awaited Pow Wow visitors. Over thirty-five Native American themed vendors offered beautiful hand crafted pottery, jewelry, regalia, music, clothing, herbal salves and lotions and music. Families sat in the shade and feasted on Indian Tacos and hand squeezed lemonade, among other treats. In keeping with the inclusive spirit of the Pow Wow, new friendships were kindled. Pepsico, one of the Harvest Pow Wow sponsors, provided welcome refreshments of chips and cold drinks for all.

Plans are underway for the 24th Annual Harvest Pow Wow to be held September 23 and 24, 2018 at the Naper Settlement in Naperville. Midwest SOARRING Foundation looks forward to everyone participating in one of the most well- known pow wows in the state of Illinois. Scout groups, history lovers, veterans, families and the public are all welcome.

March 28, 2017

Fall -Winter 2016 SOARRING News

October 2016 SOARRING Trip to Standing Rock, North Dakota

Joseph Standing Bear Schranz and a small contigent of SOARRING members drove to North Dakota to deliver items we purchased with money collected for the No DAPL issue at the Pow Wow. SOARRING purchased a 12×12 heavy duty outfitter tent, with a stove to heat/cook inside, as well as the floor, roof protector, and vestibule which attaches to the tent for

Tent Delivered to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Tent Delivered to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

storage (purchased at Cabelas.)

They also took a couple dozen ski gloves and boxes of hand and toe warmers purchased from Costco. Although this is just a dent in the need to get the camp ready for winter, we believe it made a difference. Thanks to the generosity of our members, supporters, and a donation from the Grand Village of the Kickapoo Pow Wow and our Harvest Pow Wow attendees! We collected an additional $308 at our center and added it to the funds for the Standing Rock Heater and Medic Council. This donation was added to their funds SOARRING thanks everyone for their generosity.

#NoDAPL T-shirts For Sale

SOARRING continues to sell #NoDAPL T-shirts with the Midwest SOARRING Foundation logo. They are available for sale at our Cultural Center located in Lockport, IL. We are offering a MSF member discounted price of $20. Please call ahead for center hours at 708.257.4300.

SOARRING Christmas Tree at the Cantigny Mansion Wheaton, IL

SOARRING Christmas Tree at Cantigny Museum Mansion

At the Cantigny Musuem mansion in Wheaton, Illinois Friday, November 18 through December 29, the McCormick Museum featured seven “Community Trees,” each decorated for Christmas by a different local nonprofit organization. The area charities were invited to participate because their missions involve issues or causes that were important to Robert McCormick during his career and life at Cantigny. Midwest SOARRING Foundation was honored to be asked to decorate one of the trees and is thankful to the Robert McCormick Foundation for being chosen to participate. The SOARRING tree was beautifully decorated with Native themed ornaments and received many, many compliments. Each participating organization received a $2,500 grant from the Robert McCormick Foundation. Museum visitors are encouraged to visit the museum, enjoy the tour, and vote for their favorite tree.

Additional SOARRING Events

SOARRING enjoyed a full calendar of events this fall including:

  • A Bison Blessing at Lord’s Park in Elgin, IL

    Wild Utah Presentation

  • A sponsored presentation on Wild Utah: America’s Red Rock Wilderness given by Clayton Daughenbaugh, conservation organizer with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.
  • A Holiday Open House and Native American Market in November, held for 2 Sataurdays at the SOARRING Cultural Center
  • A drum circle and story telling session with Ron Kanutski, Cultural Consultant from Thunder Bay Ontario
  • And a volunteer appreciation dinner and Annual Member’s Meeting and Holiday Party at the Pilcher Nature Center in Joliet, IL.

September 12, 2016

Midwest SOARRING Spring & Summer News

SOARRING Native American Cultural Center Events: April-July 2016

Spring 2016 ushered in a number of cultural events following the grand opening of the Midwest SOARRING Foundation Native American Cultural Center.   On April 16, 2016, Janet Smith-Petersen, of Hozhoni  Gallery / The Sundance Gallery of Downers Grove shared reservation stories from her personal contacts  selling Native American jewelry over many years. Her talk was informative and entertaining.

Janet Smith

Reservation Road Stories
talk by Janet Smith-Petersen

The following week, a beginning beaded earring class was held for teens and adults, led by experienced bead artist Karen Thompson.

The third annual Comcast Cares Volunteer Work Day occurred at the end of April at the Heritage Village near the I & M Canal in Lockport.  SOARRING members worked alongside Comcast employees to create a garden, clean historic buildings, and weed invasive plants from the I & M Canal trail.  A ceremony at the fire pit was held after the work was completed. SOARRING is grateful for the collaborative involvement with Comcast, as both organizations  give back to the Lockport community.

On May 7, 2016, Joseph Standing Bear Schranz gave the Bison Invocation at the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in celebration of the arrival of 27 American Bison to the prairie. The event was well attended by the public and was sponsored by the National Park Service.

On Saturday, May 14, 2016 Ojibwe Elder Myles Goddard presented a fascinating talk on Native Peoples from Illinois-from prehistoric to present times.  With over fifty years of teaching and lecture experience in Native Studies, Goddard covered the history and lifestyles of the Illini, Michiganea, Mastbouten, Kickapoo, Chippewa, Ottawa, and Pottawatomie tribes who all lived in the Illinois Valley. Participants at the talk enjoyed seeing his museum quality artifacts from pre-historic peoples that were discovered on his family farm.

SOARRING garden at Heritage Village

SOARRING garden created on Comcast Cares Volunteer Work Day at Heritage Village

In early June, Joseph Standing Bear Schranz, founder and president of Midwest SOARRING Foundation shared the teaching of the medicine wheel which he learned from his elders on the White Earth Ojibwe Reservation in Minnesota. The Medicine Wheel is fundamental for many Native peoples and dates back thousands of years.  June also included SOARRING’s participation in Old Canal Days in Lockport which included craft vendors and the John Days Celebration at the organic farm.

A summer solstice celebration welcoming the season of growth was held on June 20th  and was followed by a potluck supper.

22nd Annual Harvest Pow Wow

There is much excitement and anticipation in the air with the 22nd Annual Harvest Pow Wow just around the corner.  On September 24 and 25th the grounds of the Naper Settlement in Naperville, IL. will once more be filled with the colorful regalia and sounds of Native American dancers and drum groups. The public will be able to experience Native American culture and shop at over 35 vendors selling Indigenous art, crafts, music, and food.

Special guest Moses Brings Plenty will be available throughout the weekend for autographs and photos. Moses is Native American actor, musician, and model with roles in AMC’s The American West & Hell on Wheels, Netflix House of Cards, Cowboys & Aliens, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hidalgo, Thunder Heart, The Cherokee Word for Water, and most recently Reverent.

Other Harvest Pow Wow highlights include:

  • Grand entry of all dancers: Saturday 1pm & 7pm, Sunday 1pm
  • Presentation by Moses Brings Plenty Sat. 5pm
  • Special Veteran’s Honoring Sat. & Sun. 1pm
  • Deshka, The American Bald Eagle and other birds of prey with S.O.A.R exhibit
  • Aztec Dance performers Ocelotl-Cihuacoatl Sat. & Sunday
  • Music by Mark Jourdan and Native Flute Al Jewer
  • Hoop Dancing by Little Bear Hoop Dancers, Menominee, WI
  • Children’s Crafts – 11am to 5pm
  • Craft & Food Vendors
  • Tipis & Raffles
  • Tour Naper Settlement & Museum with same admission fee

View the complete schedule of events. 

SOARRING gives thanks to all of its sponsors and all they do the organization, with the most recent addition of Indian Motorcycle.

Pow Wow Photography Exhibit at Naperville 95th Street Public Library

During the month of September, the popular Midwest SOARRING Pow Wow photography exhibit is on display at the Naperville 95th street Public Library.

Pow Wow Exhibit

SOARRING Pow Wow Photo Exhibit at 95th St. Naperville Library

Previously several prints and artifacts were on display at the Lockport Public Library in April. Currently, examples of Native American crafts are also on display at the Cicero City Hall.

Midwest SOARRING Fall Native American Cultural Events

Plans are underway for additional fall classes and lectures. Topics will include moccasin making, beading, leather working, as well as many more.  Be sure to check our calendar for the latest postings.


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Aanii Boozhoo

Midwest SOARRING Foundation invites all people to gather into an ever-increasing wider circle that preserves Mother Earth, and the rich traditions of the ancestors. We invite you to learn about the many intertribal Native American lifeways that provide wisdom and direction in our contemporary world. In keeping with this path, Midwest SOARRING Foundation works to maintain the traditions of the ancestors and to conserve and restore to health the natural environment.

We invite you to join our circle. Dance at our pow wows. Attend our cultural events and support the bison herd-our nation's greatest herbivore and symbol of hope and survival for all people. As you listen, you will learn. Together we become the Spirit of the ancestors.

Joseph Standing Bear Schranz

Copyright - Midwest SOARRING Foundation